Pass Your 2024 MBLEx Exam On The First Attempt!

Prepare Yourself For Success Using Our Online MBLEx Test Prep.
Over 3000 massage questions online with answers, rationales, instant grading, and a detailed exam tracking system that lets you evaluate and review any exam at anytime!

If you are taking the MBLEx exam or any other massage licensure test, we have the practice examinations and review guide that WILL help you prepare and pass with flying colors.

Our massage question database was written by Nationally Certified Massage Therapists and Nationally Certified Healthcare Professionals with over 50 years of combined experience. Our online MBLEx test prep allows you to instantly create your own massage therapy tests in the same multiple choice format as the MBLEx.

MBLEx Product

Online MBLEx Test Prep

Passing the MBLEx exam is the biggest hurdle to becoming a Licensed Massage Therapist.

Proper exam preparation is the KEY to your success and provides the most thorough test prep in the massage education industry.

Online MBLEx Test Prep

More Details

Our practice massage tests are an essential study tool for those who are taking their exams within the next few months. It's quick and easy. Just login, and choose a category then choose the number of questions you want from 10-30, hit the create test button and your online exam is ready to be taken and instantly graded. It's that easy.

Testing for the MBLEx is stressful regardless of what anyone says. Build your confidence and peace of mind with our proven practice course and review guide. Detailed cumulative scoring and test tracking allow you to watch your progress the entire way as you better your weak areas and fine tune the categories where you are already strong.

Massage Exam Question Breakdown
Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology 1106
Pathology, Contraindications, Areas of Caution, Special Population 494
Assessment, Reassessment, and Treatment Planning 448
Physiological Effects of Techniques that Manipulate Soft Tissue 500
Ethics, Boundaries, Laws, Regulations, and Professional Practice 523
CPR 50
Total Questions: 3121